Aum Pendants

Aum (also Om, Devanagari) is a mystical or sacred syllable. It is found at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred exclamation to be uttered at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas, or before any prayer or mantra.


Soul Symbols

Throughout history all cultures have honoured natural gemstones for their ability to enhance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual attributes of the body.


Ganesha Pendants

Elephant-headed Ganesha is Lord of beginnings, and he himself is symbolized as a transition point for he is neither man nor elephant.



Japa is the repetition of sacred mantra either by chanting vocally or mentally, usually with the assistance of a mala (prayer beads).


What we visualize is of prime and even primal importance. We have evolved to a visually oriented society, which places strong emphasis on T.V., movies, and shopping malls. We have yet to assess the effect that this incredible amount of visual stimulation has on our body, brains, our soul and our psyches.

Looking to the past, we find that symbols and their visual combination of colour and form, have always had a strong sacred significance. Symbols were used in all rituals, initiations, and life ceremonies to ward off negative forces, and encourage beneficial energies for physical and psychic strength. It is part of our basic nature, a universal and innate need to use symbols to connect, communicate, reaffirm and join the human psyche with the "infinite". Symbols are our guides to direct our thoughts and feelings back to a stronger sense of self.

Traditionally, art was not merely to be enjoyed, but played a unique function to illuminate. Art played the magical role of leading people towards a higher experience of reality than that which they might achieve on their own. My work is an effort to link ourselves back to the hidden realities, which are deep within ourselves. It is an attempt to narrow the gap that connects us to our psychological base, and our true needs and hearts' desires.