Aum Pendants

Aum (also Om, Devanagari) is a mystical or sacred syllable. It is found at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred exclamation to be uttered...


Soul Symbols

Throughout history all cultures have honoured natural gemstones for their ability to enhance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual attributes of the body...


Ganesha Pendants

Elephant-headed Ganesha is Lord of beginnings, and he himself is symbolized as a transition point for he is neither man nor elephant.



Japa is the repetition of sacred mantra either by chanting vocally or mentally, usually with the assistance of a mala (prayer beads)... Chanting manta is the...


Rose Quartz

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Canadians are most fortunate to be the hosts for a new gemstone discovery from northern Ontario. “Auralite” stone is the name chosen to honour a unique Amethyst crystalline formation. Composed primarily of Amethyst, Ametrine, Citrine, Lime Citrine, and Smoky Quartz, it is aged at 1.5 billion years and therefore formed early in the development of Earth. “Auralite” is the decided name for this new gem, although the owner of the mine was considering the name “Sacred 23”; as the following 23 different inclusions can be found weaving through its crystalline fabric: Lepidocrocite, Cocoxenite, Goethite, Pyrite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Gold, Silver, Gilalite, Covellite, Sphalerite, Copper, Limonite, Pyrolusite, Hematite, Epidote, Magnetite, Titanite, Rutile, Nickel, Copper, Platinum and Ajoite. This harmonious blending of gemstone material visually and symbolically reminds us of the fact that it is the Divine Goddess who manifests everything into form, and that it is She who resides in all existence creating the unity and harmony of life. The harmonious resonance created by the union of 23 inclusions echoes the inter-dependence and connectedness that we all have with each other. Auralite is a visual reminder that despite our outer differences, we are all part of whole that is the matrix of nature. This simple but fundamental understanding assists with removing prejudices and judgment of others, and brings to mind the wisdom of Mother Theresa: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

The soft lavender tones created by the Amethyst and Ametrine crystals within Auralite produce a most pleasing and soothing visual effect, and the blended crystal energies of the various inclusions offer valued support during meditation. It particularly responds with the upper body centers of consciousness, specifically those of the heart chakra up to the crown chakra. It can assist with releasing harsh critical attitudes towards self, and the letting go of self concepts that are either limiting or outdated, making room for expanded consciousness and spiritual growth. With the releasing of false limiting concepts a more peaceful energetic flow between the mental, emotional and physical body is achieved. Katie Jacqueline has these words to offer: “Auralite stone reads into its keeper’s spirit, searching and highlighting that which could be improved, and that which can benefit from healing or clearance. Auralite will then give support, and help to light the way to sources that can be of benefit once it has completed its search. This is a stone that opens up the mind and the spirit of the being, enough to recognize the reflection of the inner self to outer life that are worthy of exploration and strengthening.”